SUNY Oswego

    Graduate Assistantship - 0392 - GA10 - OWIER

    Department:   Office of Workforce Innovation and External Relations

    Graduate Assistant - Pre-Professional
    20 Hours per Week 
    Unit/Division:  Office of Workforce Innovation and External Relations

    Semester(s) Graduate Assistant is Needed:  Spring 2025

    Name of Person who will Supervise GA:  Kathryn Watson

    Supervisor Job Title:  Director of Workforce Innovation and Community Impact

    GA Supervisor Email:

    Number of Hours Expected to Work Each Week:  10

    Compensation: $3,000 per semester for tuition and $1,000 per semester for stipend. 
    Location where GA will Report to Work:   
    34 East Bridge Street, Oswego, NY 13316

    Job Description and Key Responsibilities including Virtual/Remote Expectations:
    75% of this position can be done virtually.

    Support the gathering and processing of materials for Instructor Bootcamp; Communicate at least weekly with all Instructor Bootcamp participants regarding upcoming classes, surveys, and assignments due; Provide social media and marketing support to help recruit participants to upcoming cohorts; Assist with programming and event management needs as related to the Instructor Bootcamp cohorts.

    What is the date that the review process will start for applicants?

    What is the date you will make a final decision regarding the selection of the candidate for this

    List any Learning Outcomes related to the GAs Academic Program:
    1. Understand the full scope of an assigned project and the related needs of project sponsor
    2. Demonstrate time management by organizing a schedule and timetable for achieving the project and reach each milestone marker on time
    3. Ability to well receive and apply constructive feedback

    Any restrictions to the type of student who would be eligible?

    What behavioral expectations do you have? For example, what is your preferred communication timeline for a GA who needs to call out sick?
    Expectations for Graduate Assistantship (GA): - The GA for Instructor Bootcamp will attend weekly one on one meetings with GA supervisor, OWIER team meetings, and OWIER and Instructor Bootcamp events as the schedule permits. - Follow SUNY Oswego policies and guidelines - Demonstrate professionalism and will effectively work independently Restrictions: Currently enrolled full time in a graduate or certificate program. Behavioral Expectations: Will communicate on a regular basis with supervisor and staff about schedule and any absences. Communicate absences at least 2 business days in advance or as soon as possible (if sick).

    Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.
