SUNY Oswego

    Graduate Assistantship - 0144-GAS10

    Department: Professional Development School Liaisons

    Graduate Assistant -Pre Professional
    10 Hours Per Week

    Unit/Division:  School of Education 

    Semester(s) Graduate Assistant is Needed:  Fall 2024, Spring 2025

    Name of Person who will Supervise GA:  Doreen Mazzye

    Supervisor Job Title:  Assistant Professor 

    GA Supervisor Email:

    Number of Hours Expected to Work Each Week:  10

    Tuition: $1359 per semester
    Stipend: $600 per semester

    Location where GA will Report to Work:  215 Wilber and remote

    What is the date that the review process will start for applicants?

    What is the date you will make a final decision regarding the selection of the candidate for this position? 5/31/2024

    Job Description and Key Responsibilities including Virtual/Remote Expectations:
    This position may be done remotely 75% of the time.
    Assist in maintaining PDS shared drive and website, preparation of meeting agendas and minutes, assist in materials for professional development workshops and evaluations.

    List any Learning Outcomes related to the GAs Academic Program:
    The student will learn how to collaborate on teams of educators from the college and school, examining relevant research, collaborate in preparing quality presentations for professional development, and will network with educators K-16 in the region.

    Any restrictions to the type of student who would be eligible?
    Prefer candidates who are interested in and committed to K-16 education, who enjoy collaboration, and who can work independently as well as collaboratively.

    What behavioral expectations do you have? For example, what is your preferred communication timeline for a GA who needs to call out sick?
    I expect the candidate to meet with me regularly, attend several PDS meetings a semester, and to also work independently on assigned tasks. If candidate cannot make a meeting, i would appreciate an email as far in advance as practical. I will work with candidate to support their learning and scheduling needs as well.

    Would you like to formally express your interest in this position? 

    The information in this form will be sent directly to the supervisor indicated for this position above. 
    A confirmation email with the supervisor's name and email will be sent to you after you complete the form.

    All subsequent communication regarding  this position should be made directly with the supervisor by utilizing the email provided.
