SUNY Oswego

    Graduate Assistantship - 0250-GAS20 CELT

    Department:  CELT/Provost Office

    Graduate Assistant for Academic Support
    20 Hours per Week

    Unit/Division:  CELT/Provost Office

    Semester(s) Graduate Assistant is Needed:  Fall 2023, Spring 2024

    Name of Person who will Supervise GA:  John Kane

    Supervisor Job Title:   Director

    GA Supervisor Email:

    Number of Hours Expected to Work Each Week:  20

    Tuition & Stipend $6,000 per semester. GA may negotiate how much of this is tuition and how much is stipend. There must be some compensation in each category. A minimum of $1,000 per semester must go toward tuition. 

    Location where GA will Report to Work:  121 Penfield Library

    What is the date that the review process will start for applicants?  Immediately

    What is the date you will make a final decision regarding the selection of the candidate for this position? 
    June 30th or until position is filled

    Job Description and Key Responsibilities including Virtual/Remote Expectations:
    The Graduate Assistant at CELT will assist with scheduling, facilitating, and arranging professional development activities, web site development and maintenance, publicizing events on campus and social media channels, and will assist with editing and publishing audio and video media related to professional development. CELT's mission is to cultivate a culture of reflective teaching practice and continuing growth that results in meaningful student learning. 

    List any Learning Outcomes related to the GAs Academic Program:

    • develop proficiency in editing and producing multimedia projects used for professional development
    • acquire and/or develop skills in event management
    • improve ability in creating, editing, and maintaining professional development websites
    • acquire skills in using Adobe Audition to edit and produce podcasts
    • acquired experience in maintaining attendance records for professional development activities.

    Any restrictions to the type of student who would be eligible?

    What behavioral expectations do you have? For example, what is your preferred communication timeline for a GA who needs to call out sick?
    Phone or email the CELT director.

    Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.
